Our new and exciting theatre production skills courses start soon! Get ready to explore everything from lighting and sound to scenic art, costume design, and puppetry. These free courses are perfect for anyone wanting to dive into the world of theatre, no matter your experience level. Join us to learn new skills, meet like-minded people, and bring your creative ideas to life in a supportive environment.

All our courses are free for anyone aged 19 and over. No previous experience or qualifications are necessary but numbers are limited. To find out more or sign up, please contact 01243 345239 or info@makingtheatre.co.uk.

Lighting, Sound & Visual Effects // Mondays, 9:30am – 12:00pm

Learn the basics of lighting and sound design, rigging and operation. You’ll be given the opportunity to shoot video, create animation and use green screens.

Scenic Art & Construction // Mondays, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

A practical course involving carpentry, painting and design. You’ll be given the chance to create your own theatre set using different techniques and materials.

Costume & Prop Construction // Tuesdays, 9:30am – 12:00pm

Inspired by Harry Potter films, Cosplay or Dr Who? The world of costume and prop construction is a mix of clever techniques and ingenious design. Beginners welcome.

Puppetry // Tuesdays, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

Explore the fascinating world of puppets, making a variety of different puppet forms plus learning the basics of how to operate.

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