Enrolment is now open for a new Puppetry and Production Skills Traineeship programme for young people aged 16+ based at the Bognor Makerspace.
A practical and industry-led course that will enable students to develop their skills and connect with others in a supportive and inclusive environment, regardless of background or experience.

Funded by Arts Council England, this unique part-time course will run from September 2024 to July 2025 and will be led by experienced professional practitioners from the world of puppetry, theatre and animation. Run over two days each week (Wednesday and Thursday, 10am – 4pm) the course will include:

Lighting, Sound & Visual Effects
Learn how to design, rig and operate lighting; create sound effects and make films; exploring animation and visual effects.

Scenic Art and Props Construction
Develop skills in carpentry, painting and design. Learn a range of different techniques and how to adapt for different purposes.

Explore the fascinating world of puppets, making a variety of different puppet forms plus learning the basics of how to operate.

Applicants do not need any prior experience or specific qualifications to join this free programme. They must be available on both days for the whole course and be able to work in a group situation. Spaces are limited.

Apply now by calling 01243 345239 or email info@makingtheatre.co.uk

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