Our newest course started last week and the team has been hard at work with our latest group of participants – doing all sorts of creative woodwork, painting, and costume design in preparation for our upcoming play – Grumpy Goldilocks and the Three Friendly Bears.

The premise of the play is a parody of the popular fairy tale with appropriately flipped characters, including a grouchy starring lead who keeps breaking all her toys and an inventive sloth of scientific bears who may (or may not) own a clockwork Porridge-O-Matic machine.
We started on Monday with an induction day for our new participants, doing all sorts of theatrical based activities and games to get us creatively thinking about ideas for the upcoming performance. One of the games involved making your own stories from a set of random photos, resulting in some very zany and amusing scenarios which I dare not type!

Beginning Tuesday, the main objectives for the week were putting together sets and props, including many of the different woodland critters which’ll ominously chatter and chirp as Goldilocks begins her journey into the mysterious unknown beyond her bedroom. Work is also well under way on the different backdrops, namely the kitchen and forest which were designed by our resident artist Ralph (who also designed the illustrations for our posters and leaflets which you might be seeing online and in and around Bognor).
We still have lots of tickets available so we would really appreciate if you could share wherever possible and get the word out to anyone who you think might be interested. If you’d like to book tickets for the performance, they can be booked online only at: